

Bespoke Whole Cut oxford

Bespoke style and fit

The bespoke process takes into account each clients taste and measurements to create a timeless heirloom creation.

Each client selects the shoe design; starting with leather, toe shape, and construction all the way to brogueing, gimping, and toe medallion choices.

In addition to a completely original pair of shoes the bespoke process take into account the exact measurements of your feet to insure a shoe that is effortlessly stylish and equally comfortable.


Bespoke semi brogue oxford

Hand stitched sole

On our bespoke models we hand twist Japanese Rami Thread for the sole stitching as well as use a smaller stitch length for an even more refined touch.


bespoke oxford

Custom sole monogram

Customize your soles, bespoke options include, a monogram in brass tacks, fiddle back waist, toe plate, custom color and sole design.